Live this picture!

The title of this post is taken from yesterday's Instagram comment on this picture.
My first reaction: Clear message! Try to look for the pure, simple, unspoiled things in life!
Avoid the rush, all bothering things, the madness of this world!
Make your life as white as the snow!
Crawl through it, endlessly until you are soaked up by the similar colored sky!

Nearly simultaneously with these thoughts another one is entering my mind:
Can it be that the comment contains a clear (or slight) touch of irony?
Who can live like that forever?
Who wants to be isolated from other people?
Who doesn't need the promises and distractions of this life?
Don't we all have responsibility, duties for others and ourselves?

I can't walk endlessly through the cold snow.
Not only that my warm house with everything pleasant in it is waiting for me, I also
have to reach the shore, at least before the coming spring,
if I don't want to drown in the lake.

I walk on, step onto the familiar ground of this little town.
Everything is hidden under the white cover of the snow, also here.
Frontiers, particularly the one between the natural and the artificial, civilized world,
are blurred.

The sun breaks through the sky. Now it's not only the snow that dazzles my eyes.
I don't feel like shedding them or anything else from something getting stronger
all the time.

Language (s)trip

Day after day we use language in all kinds of situations. We often notice that words alone can 
rarely express, what happens, what we feel, what we think, what we really want to say.
We are living at a time which makes it hard for us to use language in a genuine way.
Words are often meant to justify our own thoughts or behavior, exercise power, manipulate.
On the one hand we don’t have any trust in advertising, politics, the economy; on the other
hand we are used to deception and often have problems with just being what we really are.

If we tear off our masks 
We’ll unveil faces
That terrify ourselves and others
To death

“Grenzen im Strom”, Tieto & Taitto, 2013

Being a German who has lived in Finland for many years, I have a particular approach to
cultural and linguistic peculiarities of both countries. In particular I am fascinated by the
topic frontiers, not only in the sense of things which can/can’t be said, but also in the sense
of our existence as (human)beings.
I think instead of decorating things and phenomena by means of words, we should rather
strive after stripping our language. Doing so we might have better chances to not only
carefully approach things which are hard to express, but also a new form of existence,
freed from pressures and habits of our everyday lives.

If we tear off our masks
We’ll unveil faces
That awake us and others
To life

Grenzen im Strom”, Tieto & Taitto, 2013

Living and walking around

We walk streets, forests and fields being under the influence of our thoughts and the things around us. Our thoughts are as versatile as...